Currently, JSC “Amber Talvis” occupies a prominent place in the ranking of Russian alcohol producers. The alcohols produced by the enterprise are used mainly in the manufacture of subpremial, premium and ultra-premium alcohol products by both well-known Russian producers and a number of foreign companies.
JSC “Amber Talvis” produces products on the basis of license No. 68ПСЭ0011190 from 20.01.2022 for the production, storage and supply of produced ethyl alcohol (rectified from edible raw materials), including the head fraction of ethyl alcohol, for a validity period until April 12, 2026.
JSC “Amber Talvis” produces the following types of products:

In 2006, JSC “Amber Talvis” was the first of the alcohol enterprises in Russia began mass production of grade “Alfa” ethil alcohol, which occupies the top position in the hierarchy of alcohols and is a “fifth-generation” alcohol.
Rectified ethyl alcohol from edible raw material grade “Alpha” is the best spirit for today. It differs from other spirits in that, in accordance with GOST 5962-2013, “Rectified ethyl alcohol from edible raw material. Specifications” can be made only from wheat, or from a mixture of wheat and rye, unlike other varieties of spirit. In addition, rectified ethyl alcohol from edible raw material grade “Alpha” is distinguished by increased requirements for the presence of methanol in it: its permissible content is no more than 0.003% in terms of anhydrous spirit. This is an order of magnitude lower than in rectified ethyl alcohol from edible raw material “Extra” and “Lux”.
The high quality of alcohols of the Lux and Alpha classes is confirmed by numerous awards.

JSC “Amber Talvis” was the first among alcohol-producing enterprises in Russia to solve the issue of full processing of co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. Distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are the nutrient rich co-product of dry-milled ethanol production. DDGS utilization as a feed ingredient is well documented as both an energy and a protein supplement.
DDGS utilization as a feed ingredient is well documented as both an energy and a protein supplement, and and meets the quality standard GOST 31809-2012 “Nutritious stillage. Specifications”. The process of producing the DDGS product consists in the concentration of post-spirit mash, ang drying the resulting concentrate and granulating the latter.
Ethyl alcohol can be delivered by road or rail.
JSC “Amber Talvis” has a license No. 68ТСЭ0013764 from 25.09.2024 for the transportation of ethyl alcohol for a period of validity until July 04, 2028.